THA DataGen reports are Medicare-related reports offered through the Texas Hospital Association. A valuable THA member-only product, these reports give THA member hospitals critical data to assess the impact of proposed/final Medicare regulations and legislative initiatives.
How are the data gathered?
THA joins some 48 other state hospital associations partnering with the Healthcare Association of New York State to provide the analyses. Unlike other Medicare data products which require hospitals to crunch numbers and thereby add an additional administrative burden, THA DataGen relies on publicly available Medicare data. Hospitals do not have to create any new reports or provide any new information to benefit from these reports.
THA DataGen analyses are developed using Medicare cost reports, MEDPAR (inpatient Medicare claims database), the Medicare outpatient claims database, impact files from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, wage survey data files, and data reported on Hospital Compare.
What information do the THA DataGen reports provide?
THA DataGen reports provide comparative information on the various Medicare payment and quality initiatives. These DataGen reports provide timely financial analyses of major Medicare reimbursement changes and valuable information on Medicare changes that affect hospitals and health systems.
THA member hospitals will routinely receive 30-40 hospital-specific reports each year. In addition to hospital-specific analyses, THA DataGen reports can analyze the impact of proposed and final regulations on hospitals statewide, by hospital sector and by congressional district – making THA DataGen a valuable advocacy tool for communicating the effects of CMS’ regulations.
Is there a fee to receive the THA DataGen reports?
No. For many hospitals, Medicare is a significant payer. THA recognizes the burdensome challenge member hospitals face in understanding and determining how constantly changing Medicare rules and new regulations will impact hospital reimbursement. As a member service, THA is sending its DataGen reports, at no cost, to THA member hospitals.
What can I expect to receive?
THA’s DataGen program launched in November 2008 with the release of its first Medicare payment report, analyzing the impact of the final fiscal year 2009 Medicare inpatient PPS regulations. Since then, THA’s DataGen program has expanded to include reports on several Medicare quality initiatives. Sample DataGen reports include:
- Hospital Readmissions;
- Value-Based Purchasing;
- Hospital Acquired Conditions;
- ACA Impact;
- Inpatient/Outpatient PPS;
- Area Wage Index/Occupational Mix; and
- Financial Margins.
How will my hospital receive the THA DataGen reports?
THA will automatically email DataGen reports to the CEO and CFO. Additional staff (e.g. COOs, CMOs, CNOs, quality, reimbursement) can also be included. In addition, selected hospital-specific information will be shared with system offices. Please contact DataGen at 512/465-1056 or [email protected] if you have any questions concerning THA’s DataGen program.