Quality And Patient Safety



Carrie Kroll, vice president, advocacy, public policy and political strategy, 512/465-1043

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Contact Judi Trout at [email protected] or 512-465-1564


Improving Health Care Quality and Patient Safety in Texas Hospitals

Simplification of Reporting Requirements Needed to Improve Patient Safety and Quality

Texas Hospitals Focus on Maternal and Newborn Health

Providing high-quality care to every patient in a safe environment is the goal of all hospitals and a daily focus of their activities. THA collects data and puts it to work through initiatives and policies to improve hospitals’ health care quality, patient safety and outcomes.

THA is collaborating with more than 340 member hospitals on at least one quality improvement initiative. From the largest systems to the smallest critical access hospitals, THA is helping through the:

Data are a key component to each of these initiatives. But the true improvement work happens in collaboration, education, consultation and disruption of old patterns and habits. And that involves relationships, trust and on-the-ground support.

Reducing Preventable Maternal Mortality Through TexasAIM

Promoting the health of mothers and babies also is a priority for Texas hospitals and public health advocates alike. Texas hospitals have worked closely with lawmakers and state health agencies over the last decade to identify needed public policies. Learn more about the policy requirements Texas hospitals have implemented to support maternal and baby health and the proactive steps Texas hospitals have taken through TexasAIM to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.