Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) must comply with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Conditions of Participation located in Appendix W in the manual. This nine-part webinar series will cover the CAH CoP manual. Included is a 2-hour program on Patient Rights – one of the most cited segments of the Manual. The CAH Manual does not include a specific section on Patient Rights as does the Acute manual; but hospitals must provide a safe environment for patients and method to ensure all patient rights are met.
There were changes and new regulations for CAHs in 2020, including a change to all the tag numbers, some which do not include Interpretive Guidelines or Survey Procedures. Changes include infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship, QAPI and Swing Bed changes.
This seminar will help CAHs comply with specific CoP problem areas, such as nursing care plans, necessary policies and procedures, medication administration and drug storage, and informed consent to name a few.
Registration Pricing
Member: $840 entire series
Non-Member: $1,120 entire series
Registration includes unlimited connections per registered facility.
Who should attend:
CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Nurse Executives (CNO), Accreditation and Regulation Director, Nurse Managers, Pharmacists, Pharmacist Compliance Officers, Health information management, Nurses, Nurse Educators, Nursing Supervisors, Quality Managers, Risk Managers, Healthcare Attorneys, Health Information Management Personnel, Social Workers, Patient safety officer, Infection preventionist, Radiology director, Emergency Department Directors, Outpatient Director, Medication Team, Ethicist, Director of Rehab: OT, PT, speech pathology, and audiology, CRNA, Anesthesia providers, Radiology staff, QAPI staff, Policy and Procedure Committee, Dietician, Activities Director of swing bed patients, and Infection Control Committee Members.
Continuing Education

Continuing Medical Education
This educational activity is jointly provided by AXIS Medical Education and Texas Hospital Association. The Texas Hospital Association is applying for approval from the following accrediting organizations for the CAH CoPs: Ensuring Compliance 2025 Series.
In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by AXIS Medical Education and Texas Hospital Association. AXIS Medical Education is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
Credit Designation for Nursing
AXIS Medical Education designates this continuing nursing education activity for 1.0 contact hours each.
Learners are advised that accredited status does not imply endorsement by the provider or ANCC of any commercial products displayed in conjunction with an activity.
Click here for more information.
American College of Healthcare Executives
By attending the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Conditions of Participation: Ensuring Compliance 2025 Webinar Series offered by Texas Hospital Association participants may earn ACHE Qualified Education Hours for each part in the series toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe staffing requirements and supervision
- Recall the required14 emergency department written policies that must be present
- Describe that CMS has a list of emergency drugs and equipment every CAH must have
- Recall that a CAH must comply with EMTALA requirements

Laura A. Dixon, BS, JD, RN, CPHRM, President, Healthcare Risk Education and Consulting, LLC, Denver, CO
Laura A. Dixon recently served as the Regional Director of Risk Management and Patient Safety for Kaiser Permanente Colorado where she provided consultation and resources to clinical staff. Prior to joining Kaiser, she served as the Director, Facility Patient Safety and Risk Management and Operations for COPIC from 2014 to 2020. In her role, Ms. Dixon provided patient safety and risk management consultation and training to facilities, practitioners, and staff in multiple states. Such services included creation of and presentations on risk management topics, assessment of healthcare facilities; and development of programs and compilation of reference materials that complement physician-oriented products.
Prior to joining COPIC, she served as the Director, Western Region, Patient Safety and Risk Management for The Doctors Company, Napa, California. In this capacity, she provided patient safety and risk management consultation to the physicians and staff for the western United States. Ms. Dixon’s legal experience includes medical malpractice insurance defense and representation of nurses before the Colorado Board of Nursing.
Ms. Dixon has more than twenty years of clinical experience in acute care facilities, including critical care, coronary care, peri-operative services, and pain management.
As a registered nurse and attorney, Laura holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Regis University, RECEP of Denver, a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Drake University College of Law, Des Moines, Iowa, and a Registered Nurse Diploma from Saint Luke’s School Professional Nursing, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She is licensed to practice law in Colorado and California.