‘Smart Ribbon’ Earns Texas Hospital Association Digital Leader CHIME’s Innovator Award
(San Antonio – Nov. 2, 2017) The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives recognized a top Texas hospital industry leader Wednesday at the organization’s CHIME17 Fall CIO Forum.
CHIME recognized Fernando Martinez, Ph.D., THA chief digital officer and THA Foundation president/ CEO, for his development of the THA Smart Ribbon, in partnership with Illumicare, Inc., to deliver a unique technology designed to manage costs and reduce variability of care by providing real-time patient information. The award is given annually to a CHIME member whose creative application of IT and innovative solutions brought value to his or her organization.
The THA Smart Ribbon integrates with patients’ electronic medical records and helps clinicians make informed decisions based on cost and clinical data at the patient bedside.
“One key element to the success of the THA Smart Ribbon is the fact that it is EMR agnostic,” Martinez said. “It does not directly integrate or interact with the EMR. For instance, there is no need for additional testing or modification when EMR upgrades or modifications are made. This is a significant benefit for IT teams.
Martinez and his team piloted THA Smart Ribbon with 55 providers at the Parkland Health and Hospital System in Dallas, which resulted in a cost savings of $430,444 over 71 days. The pre-post intervention study also demonstrated the predicted reduction in variation of care.
Parkland since has expanded the use of the THA Smart Ribbon, and three more hospital systems have the tool in production or have begun implementation. Several other hospital systems are in the final stages of joining the program, and THA expects increased adoption to continue.
CHIME Board Chair Liz Johnson, chief information officer of Acute Care Hospitals & Applied Clinical Informatics at Tenet Healthcare Corporation, noted that other hospital associations are evaluating the approach as a possible tool for their members.
“As CIOs, we want to empower clinicians with relevant information presented precisely when they need it,” she said. “Fernando has given us a solution that is compatible with their workflow, but equally important, he has shared it with the broader community. This is well-deserved recognition of a truly innovative IT leader.”